Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Prince Warriors #2 and the Unseen Invasion by Priscilla Shirer with Gina Detwiler

My name is Manuel, and there's no scientific explanation for the existence of Ahoratos. This alternate world is real, and I only discovered it after being rescued from a bully. I wish I enjoyed the quests as much as Evan, but I guess I'm brave when I need to be. Ruwach says the enemy is angry after his last defeat, so our team has been given little red seeds to defend ourselves. He says we need to have faith, but I'm not stupid enough to believe a seed can protect me. My mom had one too, but my experiments on it haven't revealed anything special. The enemy is planning something extra evil for us, but who knows what it will be? I can only imagine the chaos they could unleash on earth if they ever find a way between the two worlds. 

You should probably read the first book to fully understand what's going on. The books have a religious feel, as the kids are led by the teachings of the Source and its guidance in The Book. The characters don't carry weapons but are told they have all they need to succeed if they trust and have faith. After reading book one, it's surprising this is a challenge for them, since they witnessed the occurrence of impossible things. However, two of the kids quickly forget, and Evan's lapse is especially serious. I guess this represents the difficulty of having faith and hope in real life. This book has more direct battles between good and evil with violent attacks from the enemy creatures. Additional characters are added to the group of protagonists, and the cast is becoming more diverse. The kids are upper elementary to middle school age, but a high school student, young adult, and a grandparent have joined the cause. They're all good at supporting each other in times of need if they are aware of the problems. One character is especially vulnerable, but the others don't fully understand until it's almost too late. As a side note, I find myself questioning the name of the series. In this time of awareness of diversity and gender equity, why is the series called Prince Warriors? Two of the main characters are princesses. Strange. I enjoyed this book more than the first, and I've already started reading the trilogy's conclusion, The Swords of Rhema. Give it a shot.

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