Yes, this book was written by the Chris Columbus famous for his work with the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson movies. It started off sounding like another ghost story, but it quickly evolved into much more. The mixture of characters was interesting. Cordelia was the responsible older sister, Brendan was the moody middle brother, and Eleanor was the underestimated youngest child. They were joined by various characters from the three novels including a British pilot from the early 1900's, and Cordelia immediately developed a crush on him. The setting is in Kristoff House although it's floating in the ocean most of the time. The idea was fun at first, but I became tired of it after a while. It limited the plot a bit, as the kids were constantly climbing through hidden hallways, a dumbwaiter, or on the roof. Other characters had to come to the house so events could change. The actual conflict of finding the book before being killed by pirates or other dangers was engaging, but the events could have been developed more if the characters could have moved around. The house always seemed to be taking on more water, but it took a heck of a long time to sink.
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