Details from the first book returned as I got into the story. Ash and the rest of the Tribe had abilities related to different animals, and the book opened with her living among wolves. Her boyfriend Connor was able to move air and could fly, while Ember had a connection to birds and an ability to change memories. The whole idea of Ember's terrible secrets added suspense and anticipation to the plot. It was unclear how Ash would respond when she found out, so it was impossible to predict where the story would go. The discrimination and prejudice against Illegals were at core of the conflict, and the origin of these feelings was revealed. Humans' thoughts and feelings were manipulated, and the consequences were still being felt. Some leaders fed the fears of citizens in order to achieve their own private agendas. Readers might notice some similarities to the real world. The main characters were portrayed in their upper teens, and there were moments where mature emotions were shared. There wasn't anything inappropriate, but the book's not for younger readers. Overall, I'm enjoying the series and plan to read the sequel, The Foretelling of Georgie Spider.