Will is sent undercover as a jongleur, or minstrel, into a key area of the kingdom that guards against invasion by the Scotti armies. Alyss comes disguised later to help Will with his mission. The ruler of the area is in a coma, and rumors of a sorcerer's curse abound. The ruler's son is suspected to be behind the whole thing, and this frightens everyone. The son is considered a weak leader, and the Scotti armies will invade if he becomes ruler. Will must find out what is actually going on, but he discovers that things are not as they seem.
There was not as much action as in the previous book, but there was much more mystery. Clues are laid out for the reader if you're looking for them. I enjoyed the plot as it built to an exciting climax, but the problem was left unsolved when I came to the last page. Very disappointing when compared to the other four books in the series.
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