My name is Harper, and the Wild Conductor needs our help. He wants to win back his place in the Circus of Dreams, but we need to travel to the Night Forest where the fairy tales first began. There, he says we'll find the Ice Raven whose song can tame the fiercest heart. However, I've now met the keepers of the fairy tales, and they've shared the love story of a prince and a witch's daughter. The witch became angry and changed the prince into the Lone Wolf and her daughter into the Ice Raven. They will forever be separated until an ending to the only unfinished fairy tale in the forest can be found. The Wild Conductor needs the Ice Raven, but it will never change back into the witch's daughter if it ever leaves the forest. Music is magic, and it may be the only way to solve this problem.
This book is targeted for a younger audience than my normal middle grade readers. Harper and her friends carry musical instruments whose tunes have magical effects. Harper's music is the most powerful when played on her harp. The author certainly has a vivid imagination, as the fairy tales are recorded on tree bark, the conductor travels on a bicycle carried by ravens, and Harper's mode of transportation is an upside down umbrella. I didn't read the previous two books in the series, and I felt like I was missing some background information on the characters' relationships. I still enjoyed the story, so it wasn't a big factor. The characters got along very well and had compassion for each other. Harper's group was immediately ready to help the Wild Conductor, but they also displayed empathy toward the plight of the Ice Raven and Lone Wolf. The plot was easy to read and understand, and it came to a satisfying conclusion. Overall, it was a very entertaining book that I can recommend to young readers with an interest in fairy tales and music.
This blog began in 2009, and it's transformed through different styles over the years. I've become a reviewer for the Young Adult Books Central (YABC) and posts for those books have their own look. I've also been a judge for since 2010 to determine the best books of the year in the category of elementary/middle-grade speculative fiction. You'll see reviews for these top books in some of my January posts from the past.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The Father of Lies Chronicles #2: Arthur Quinn and the Fenris Wolf by Alan Early

You should probably read Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent before reading this book, since it establishes the main characters and format of the series. Arthur is a normal Irish boy other than the fact the gods have chosen him to save the world. He has an innocent attraction to Ash, as he encounters his first feelings of a boy/girl relationship. The pendant gives him the ability to understand ancient Viking language and acts as a warning when danger is nearby. The first book provided clues that his hammer was in fact Thor's hammer, and it's officially confirmed in this book. The hammer has the powers I expected from Norse mythology, although it seems almost anyone is able to hold it. Ash takes a lesser role than she did before, and she isn't on the same page as Arthur. The author does a nice job of presenting two possible antagonists (besides Loki) in the form of the wolf puppy and the new students. They are equally distrusted by Arthur and Ash, and the evil motives of one of them is revealed in the end. The role of Fenris is a bit surprising once he enters the story, not at all what I expected. His child is hidden in this book but will become a major factor in the sequel.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
The Nightshade Chronicles #3: Lords of Trillium by Hilary Wagner

I recommend you read the previous books in the series, especially book one, to fully appreciate the transformation of Billycan's character. Seldom do you see a terrifying evil character become a major protagonist. Most of the minor characters found this hard to believe, although Billycan's brother, son, and niece were more supportive. The uncertainty behind his change added suspense to the story, since it was unclear if he might revert back to his violent past. The author does a nice job of describing Billycan's inner turmoil, as battles memories and urges of violence. The issue of experimenting on animals in lab research is a central theme, but it's told from the lab rats' points of view. The scientists are trying to discover a way to reverse human aging, but the side effects of the serum are devastating. This book especially reminds me of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, since the plot leads to a face-off between the human scientists and the lab animals. I'm not sure where the sequel will lead. The end of this book is rather cryptic with three unidentified lab rats heading out into the world.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Miss Ellicott's School for the Magically Minded by Sage Blackwood

This book was a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction and was a very strong contender for the title. Be forewarned that the first part of the plot is slow-moving. The interest level picks up after Miss Ellicott disappears and the kids find themselves outside the wall. The snake character was a little confusing early on, as it was very independent of Chantel, coming and going as it pleased. Once it entered Chantel's head, I expected it to communicate with her, but she was only able to sense its emotions and restlessness. I expected more from the character and got it after it became the dragon. I found out it was learning about Chantel while inside her head. Chantel was able to control the dragon, but there was an interesting twist to their relationship. The dragon wouldn't do anything that Chantel wouldn't do herself. For example, the dragon would not kill other villagers. Another element to the book involved the role of women in this culture. They were expected to be submissive and obedient to the men. Chantel was chastised for questioning the men in power, and the female adult characters even gave her a hard time for not being proper. Despite these expectations, Chantel challenged unfair decisions and tried to determine which people were looking out for the city's best interests. Overall, the plot started off slow, but it was well worth the wait in the end. I enjoyed the book very much.
Spirit Hunters by Ellen Oh

This book is a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Book Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. It's a throwback to traditional ghost stories, and the author did a great job of creating a spooky atmosphere. There were the traditional creepy sounds, whispering voices, cold rooms, and glimpses of hazy images. The added twist of Harper's memory loss left additional possibilities open to the imagination. Harper was a typical seventh grader, except for having been sent to an asylum and having an unusual aptitude for sensing ghosts. Given the evidence, I was a little surprised at how long it took her to accept the fact there were spirits haunting the house. Also, she felt like nobody would believe her even though her friend was the first person to say Harper was actually living in a haunted house. She was still reluctant to tell her friend about Rose later in the plot. Harper was frightened by the house and didn't know what to do, but she was determined to stop the spirits. The book was very engaging and exciting, and I found myself reluctant to put it down as I neared the climax. The description during the climax itself will be pretty intense for younger readers. Overall, it was a very entertaining book and is worthy of a best book nomination.
A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge

This book is a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Book Award in Elementary/Speculative Fiction. It's most appropriate for more mature readers due to the abstract concepts presented. Major aspects of the plot involve foods and drinks designed to influence others, and the back-stabbing drama found in the Caverna culture won't appeal to younger readers. Characters use wine to make others forget or remember past events, but some of them use wine on themselves. Neverfell is a wonderful main character and evokes sympathetic feelings. She's clueless in a society that doesn't accept her, and many of her "friends" use her for selfish reasons. She trusts everyone, but her face puts her at a disadvantage. Her thoughts and feelings are clearly displayed in her facial expressions, but everyone else in Caverna has learned to display a limited number of them. Their faces don't always match their intentions, and their desire for more "faces" is a key part of the plot's conflict. Overall, this book offers a very creative view of a dystopian society that will appeal to tween readers.
Chronicle of the Dark Star #1: Last Day on Mars by Kevin Emerson

This book was a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. The second half of the book was full of adventure, mystery, and action. The author introduced characters plotting the elimination of all humankind, but there was another character Liam met during his visions into the future. This person's motives were less clear. There were secret terrorist threats along with combat between characters, and the result was an exciting build-up to the climax. My biggest concern for this book was the first third of the book slowly moved along before developing any tension. It was clear the inhabitants needed to leave the planet within hours, but there was no sense of urgency until the explosion in the lab. Also, this novel is book one of a series, and the conclusion felt like it. A couple of conflicts were left to be resolved in the sequel.
The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart by Stephanie Burgis

This book is the winner of the 2017 Cybils Book Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction, and it was my personal favorite of all the finalists! I was expecting a cute story of dragons and chocolate, but it presented dragons in a unique way. They were intelligent, cultured creatures that feared humans, as humans feared them in return. The author highlighted the highs and lows of humanity, as Aventurine had been raised to believe all humans were liars. The kingdom was full of prejudice toward social classes; the city was divided into three socioeconomic regions. Aventurine's character faced self-doubt and spent the whole book trying to discover herself. Being changed into a human was a creative vehicle to explore her own feelings and human behavior. It was fun reading about a "human" girl with dragon thoughts running through her mind. If someone angered Aventurine, she wanted to eat them or engulf them in flames. I loved the philosophical siblings and how the royal family mirrored her own. Overall, the book was entertaining, thought-provoking, and humorous.
The Countdown Conspiracy by Katie Slivensky

This book is a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Book Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. It was a science fiction version of six talented kids facing problems created by world conflict. Miranda was a robotics expert who experienced failure for the first time in her life. The other characters had their own special talents, and their support for Miranda varied over time. Miranda's self-confidence wavered, but I liked how she was able to persevere. The conflicts grew throughout the plot until the characters found themselves fighting for their lives. They were forced to set aside their differences and self-doubt in order to work as a team. The hero supporting the efforts was Ruby, Miranda's hand-built robot. It became her sidekick, kind of like a loyal dog. The spidery bot was able to perform difficult and dangerous tasks the humans could not, and made a human-like sacrifice in the end. The book addressed world politics and the fragility of maintaining peace. This was a central focus to the plot, and the action and mystery made it especially entertaining. It's definitely worthy of being considered the outstanding speculative fiction novel of 2017.
A Properly Unhaunted Place by William Alexander

This book is a finalist for the 2017 Cybils Award in Elementary/Middle Grade Speculative Fiction. The strangeness of the conflict is what attracted me to this book. The young appeaser is really pissed that there aren't any ghosts in this town. Rosa quickly discovers the big problem may be the townspeople have forgotten anything happened. Her character is very easy to relate to, since her appeasement methods use everyday materials. She uses salt, circles, and fire to keep the spirits away, but the big conflict is caused by someone else's banishment of the town's ghosts. A simple circle of copper wire has great power. Rosa is forced to take the lead in solving the problem, but it seems that she gained a lot of experience while working with her inept, deceased father. Much of Rosa's anger is connected to her father's death, although we don't know what happened to him until later in the plot. Rosa is obsessed with fighting ghosts the right way, and treating them with respect is a priority. However, the tension is jacked up when the banishment creates a figurative bomb that's about ready to blow up. The characters aren't overly developed, the plot isn't overly descriptive and intriguing, but I really enjoyed the book over all. It's a pretty quick read and should appeal to lovers of simple ghost stories with a twist.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Father of Lies Chronicles #1: Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent by Alan Early

The World Serpent is very similar to Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase novels, but it's easier to read. The plot doesn't get complicated, but that doesn't mean the author doesn't include some surprises. An antagonist is disguised from the main characters, although plenty of clues are presented early in the story allowing readers to expect his treachery. Loki manipulated events to get Arthur's father in charge of the digging project, but beyond that Arthur is a random hero. Knowing a little bit about Norse mythology, a couple of things confused me. Arthur didn't gain any super powers other than understanding the Norse runes, so his ability to battle Loki was unexpected. Also, he gained possession of a heavy hammer, but Thor's hammer is the only one I know from mythology. However, Thor was the only one who could lift it. Details of Arthur's weapon were lacking, so it left me to wonder about its origin. Overall, I enjoyed this book, and I've already started reading the sequel, Arthur Quinn and the Fenris Wolf.
Monday, February 5, 2018
The Beginning Woods by Malcolm McNeill

This book is probably for more mature readers, as the author has a very interesting and creative imagination. I must admit that I was confused myself while reading the early parts of the book. Things cleared up a bit once Max arrived in the Beginning Woods. The conflict that emerged pitted science against creative thought. Electric light was fatal to creatures of The Woods, and the Vanishings were blamed on the useless ideas found in books. A very unique situation was presented inside Max’s character, literally. Martha was a dead girl who entered Max through a cut on his finger and was able to use Max as an anchor instead of her gravestone. This allowed her to communicate inside his head and appear to him when needed. In addition, the setting where Martha died was also found inside Max, and she would drown again in the same pond whenever she lost hope. It will make more sense once you read the book. Overall, it was an entertaining book that made me think, a great combination!
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