You can enjoy this book without having to read the previous ones. The author introduces humor into the plot with references to characters and events from familiar fairy tales, but this book has a bit more. A seven-foot rabbit named Killer begins the plot, and he's always hungry. His habit of eating almost anything creates problems when he tries to digest food tainted by magic. The combination of spells results in unexpected consequences (See the flying donkey on the cover). Morwen's cats are loyal companions, and they provide their own funny comments, especially toward Killer and each other. The plot doesn't develop any real suspense, but the story is still entertaining. The problems caused by wizards continue to drive the protagonists, but character interactions seem to drive the plot. This is a fun series to read!
This is still very popular even after all these years! Put it this way... A student named Lavinia donated the AR test. Luckily, the books have held up, but they are now older than the students!