My name is Tilly, and horrifying changes are happening at the British Underlibrary. Melville Underwood is now in charge, and he wants books to be bound and bookwanderers stamped. He even wants to stop kids like Oskar and me from any bookwandering. He got elected Librarian by saying he knows where to find Enoch Chalk, but his story is sketchy. Chalk trapped my mother in a book for years, and I'd love to see him captured. Traveling to see Oskar's dad in Paris is a nice distraction, and we didn't plan to do any bookwandering. We especially didn't plan to enter an unpredictable fairy tale. However, Prince Charming has taken Oskar somewhere, and I'm getting help from Jack and Rapunzel to find him. All I really know is something terrible is going on and books are leaking magic.
This blog began in 2009, and it's transformed through different styles over the years. I've become a reviewer for the Young Adult Books Central (YABC) and posts for those books have their own look. I've also been a judge for since 2010 to determine the best books of the year in the category of elementary/middle-grade speculative fiction. You'll see reviews for these top books in some of my January posts from the past.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Pages & Co. #2: The Lost Fairy Tales by Anna James
The Unwanteds Quests #6: Dragon Slayers by Lisa McMann
I am the Revinir, and my plans to rule the Seven Islands and get my revenge against the Stowes is almost complete. The only thing left is for Thisbe Stowe to join me in ruling the lands. I can't get all of the dragons and citizens to willfully obey me without her help. Of course, she's making demands before she'll agree to my terms, but that's just what I'd expect from a girl who's mostly evil. I suppose I'll eventually agree to her demands, since I'll just throw her in the dungeons after our partnership is announced. However, I don't fully trust her. I can't understand what she's thinking like I can with everyone else in Grimere, and she's tricked me before. I've been watching her carefully, and I've tried to detect any lies she might be telling. I feel confident I can trust her this time, and I'll soon have all the power I've ever wanted.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Valkyrie #1 by Kate O'Hearn
My name is Freya, and the first warrior I reaped to Valhalla has me questioning what it means to be a Valkyrie. I haven't seen many humans worth celebrating, but I still made a promise to check on the man's family. Odin forbids any of us from traveling to Midgard without his permission, but keeping promises is important to me. The man could not have known his wife would also die, leaving Tamika and her baby sister without a parent, or that developers would use violent measures to acquire his house. The biggest thing I didn't expect was meeting Archie. He has become a brave warrior since being bullied by JP, and I'm starting to care about this human. However, I'm now realizing how much things are getting out of control. It's only a matter of time before I feel Odin's wrath.
This book presented a different point of view about how deceased warriors were celebrated in Valhalla. Freya's first warrior didn't like fighting and only cared about his family. This attitude differed from her feelings that humans were violent and only cared about themselves. I always enjoy stories where non-human characters make observations about our humanity. They make you think. The most enjoyable part of the plot was Freya's relationship with Archie, although JP was crazy and way out of control for a middle grade bully. Archie had an absentee, alcoholic mother and lived alone in their apartment. He showed how some people are still able to have good attitudes and be successful despite their troubling situations. Readers should be able to empathize with his character. Concerns for Tamika and Archie were the main focus of the plot, but the threat of Odin and his anger were always a danger. Freya knew she'd lose her wings, but her actions also put her sister and others in danger. It was clear the countdown to the climax was centered on the moment Odin learned the truth. I've read a number of books based on Norse mythology, but I don't recall any that featured the Valkyries. I enjoyed this book very much and recommend you give it a shot.
Monday, March 22, 2021
The Unwanteds Quests #5: Dragon Fire by Lisa McMann
My name is Simber, and I'm torn inside. As a giant winged cheetah, I've pledged to support the head mage of Artime. However, Aaron gave the position to Frieda Stubbs, and she's a despicable person. She's doing all she can to tear the citizens apart, and she's determined to kill all of the Stowes. I hate that Aaron's put me in this position. However, I told Frieda that I will not harm Aaron, Thisbe, or Fifer, so I know she doesn't trust me anymore. Most of the remaining citizens support her, while most of her opponents have left the city. Due to my pledge, I can't help anyone fighting against Frieda, so can she ever be stopped? I wish I could talk to my best friend Florence, but she rightfully doesn't trust me either. And with the Revinir ready to start a war with Artime, will peace ever return to the island?
Addison Cooke #2 and the Tomb of the Khan by Jonathan W. Stokes

Thursday, March 18, 2021
The Storm Runner #3: The Shadow Crosser by J.C. Cervantes
My name is Ren, and Zane just finished rounding up all of the godborns in the world. They should have been safe at SHIHOM where they'd learn to use their new powers, but then we received word that all of the Mayan gods had disappeared. This might have allowed enemies to break through the defense magic and even access the roots of the World Tree. How was that even possible, since the gods were the most powerful beings in the world? Then, we learned that Zotz and Blood Moon were behind it, but we still couldn't figure out their plans. We knew Blood Moon and her twin sons wanted revenge against Zane, and that might have included killing all of the godborns, but why couldn't we find the gods? We later discovered that my powers with time and shadows were crucial to stopping Zotz and Blood Moon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
The Unwanteds Quests #4: Dragon Curse by Lisa McMann
My name is Thisbe, and I can't believe my twin sister Fifer actually wants to have a costume party. After escaping the Revinir, I now have scales from being forced to drink dragon-bone broth, and our brother Alex has died. What is there to celebrate? The Revinir has taken control of all the dragons except for Drock, and I also feel the oppressive pull of her summoning. The others don't understand time is running out. The Revinir doesn't appear to have any weaknesses, and I suspect it will take a new kind of magic to stop her. I know my brother Aaron is distracted by the unrest in Artime, as many dissenters don't like him replacing Alex as the new leader. They also fear Fifer and me due to our unpredictable powers. I know I'm the only one who can stop the Revinir, and I can only think of one way that might work. If not, we're all doomed.
This series is a spin-off of The Unwanteds series, and continues the blend of magic and dragons. You must read the previous books in The Unwanteds Quests first, especially since Dragon Curse picks up right where the third book left off. There aren't too many details reminding you about previous events. The battle against the Revinir is the main focus of the plot, but the unrest in Artime and the conflict between Fifer and Thisbe are equally important. The Revinir now controls almost all of the dragons, and she's determined to recapture Thisbe and attack Artime and Quill. She presents a physical threat, while the other problems are more mental. The problem between the twins is worsened due to assumptions and lack of communication. Each twin might say, "She doesn't understand what I'm going through, and she doesn't care." The lead dissenter in Artime is able to create unrest by twisting the truth and outright lying to the citizens. This conflict only worsens as the story moves along, and reminds me of the negative campaigns of some politicians. My main difficulty with the book and series is the quantity of characters. It's difficult to remember who is who with the cast consisting of dozens of different creatures from several different lands. Their backstories are hard to remember. Overall, the conflicts with the Revinir and the dissenters are very intriguing, so I recommend you give the book a shot, after you read the first three books in the series.
The Storm Runner #2: The Fire Keeper by J.C. Cervantes
My name is Zane, and I must find a way to rescue my father from his prison. As a Mayan god, he wasn't supposed to have children with a human woman, but here I am. Having a child shouldn't condemn him to prison forever, or sentence him to death. However, I've accidentally endangered other godborns, and it's my responsibility to save them. They'll surely be killed if the gods ever discover their existence. But how can I rescue them when my father's life is in danger? I can feel his energy weakening. Someone is clearly control
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Spartan Warrior #3: Legacy of Blood by Michael Ford
My name is Lysander, and not much has changed since I saved Sparta by killing the Persian leader. I'm forced to keep the truth a secret, and I'm still treated as a Helot slave by many of the people I saved. My cousin and I have even lost control of our grandfather's estate, and I'm worried the slaves will be mistreated and tortured. Now, word has arrived that a Spartan outpost was overtaken, and Sparta can't afford to send any soldiers from its armies. However, the Council of Elders has ordered the trainees from my barracks to retake the outpost. Most of the boys have never been on a ship before, and the enemy will surely have fortified the town before we arrive. However, we Spartan warriors will return victorious unless we heroically and honorably die.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
May Bird #1: May Bird and the Ever After by Jodi Lynn Anderson
My name is May, and I wish it was easier to make friends. Most people find me odd, and my mom doesn't believe in the ghostly monsters I've seen. I was starting to think things were getting very strange when I found a letter addressed to May Bird that was mailed fifty years before I was born! It said I was needed somewhere and that I should go to the lake in the woods to get there. I didn't know a lake existed, but everything changed when I discovered it. I now find myself in a world of ghosts, specters, and spirits, and Live Ones like me are rarely seen. As a matter of fact, I'll probably be killed if anyone sees me. I've been told no Live One has ever returned home, but I've met a very timid, nervous ghost named Pumpkin who's willing to help me. However, I have no idea who sent me the letter, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Spartan Warrior #2: Birth of a Warrior by Michael Ford
My name is Lysander, and I should have been honored when I was one of the first two Spartan trainees chosen to complete the Ordeal. However, I couldn't get excited about the prospect of surviving for five days in the mountains with Demaratos, my worst enemy, and an ephehos whose main purpose was to make sure things weren't too easy. We couldn't carry weapons, food, or blankets, but we could bring a canteen of water. The only way we could survive was by working together. However, the ephehos ordered us to complete life-threatening challenges, and he seemed to be especially hard on me. During the quiet times, I couldn't forget the memory of being forced to whip my best friend, Timeon, but I couldn't imagine how much worse things in Sparta would get.
Monday, March 1, 2021
The Prince Warriors #3 and the Swords of Rhema by Priscilla Shirer with Gina Ditwiler
My name is Levi, and we've finally received our swords from the mountain of Rhema. It was a treacherous climb, especially when the black dragons attacked us on the skinny ledge, but our weapons will now allow us to attack the agents of evil. The enemy is tricky and finds unexpected ways to spread chaos and confusion. Ruwach has always said we have everything we need to defeat them, but bad decisions have allowed the enemy to pass through portals to earth. Skypods have been popping up around the city, and Ents will attack if anyone finds a way to open them. Manuel's father is determined to do that very thing! I feel like the enemy has something extra devious planned, but I can't figure out what it might be. And, I don't trust that new kid Viktor; he's just too perfect at everything.