The first book in this series is The Royal Ranger: A New Beginning, although I read it with the title Ranger's Apprentice #12: The Royal Ranger. I enjoyed the Ranger's Apprentice series, as I watched Will grow, and The Royal Ranger series allows me to experience those feelings once again through Maddie's training. Another unexpected treat in this book is the inclusion of characters from all three of Flanagan's related series. The main conflict in The Red Fox Clan centers on King Duncan's law change that will allow female descendants to rule. Some citizens don't like the new law, especially any male heirs to the thrown. Maddie possesses many Ranger skills, although she favors her sling over the customary longbow. She's forced to conceal her abilities, since her mother will become queen. I appreciate the suspense this creates, since Maddie must perform her Ranger duties while remaining anonymous and her mother doesn't like the idea of her daughter being a Ranger. It's clear Maddie will be the most important character in quelling the uprising, but how will she manage that from the background and alone?
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