This blog began in 2009, and it's transformed through different styles over the years. I've become a reviewer for the Young Adult Books Central (YABC) and posts for those books have their own look. I've also been a judge for since 2010 to determine the best books of the year in the category of elementary/middle-grade speculative fiction. You'll see reviews for these top books in some of my January posts from the past.
My name is Evan, and my best friend Arnold is a zombie. He doesn't judge me for my handicap, and we have lunch together every day. You don't want to know what happens if he doesn't eat jelly beans. A scientist showed up from The Territory and wants Arnold to help other zombies learn to live among humans back at the facility. It's only supposed to be for a week, and I suppose he'll be back before I know it. But what if he's not? I know the Kinder family didn't want him to leave, but it seemed like they didn't have much of a choice. It's kind of funny that Sarah Anne is the one who got Kiki and I to start wondering about the situation. I'm not sure what's going on behind the facility's walls, but we're convinced we need to do something. You should read A Zombie Ate My Homework to fully appreciate Arnold's character. He's overcome the misconceptions of zombies, and his classmates have embraced him. Bullies have asked him for friendship advice, and he tutors many of his fellow students. The funniest moments can be found when Arnold tries to explain human behavior to the other zombies. He can't explain why girls put make-up on every day but wipe it back off every night. How can throwing balls at each other be fun? Why don't human kids like green food? The main characters are an odd blend of personalities. Kiki is liked by everyone, while Evan has been ignored by many classmates, except for the bullies. Sarah Anne has special needs that require her to spell her thoughts on an electronic board. Then add a zombie who's still learning to be human. I'm not totally sure why this series entertains me so much. Arnold is a sympathetic character whose fate is controlled by the government. I feel empathy for his situation due to the political dishonesty at the center of the problem. This book is not classic literature by any stretch of the imagination, but it has a captivating quality to it. I suggest you give the series a shot, if you're interested in an amusing twist to zombies.
My name is Bran, and I was "born" in a bank vault. Actually, that's where Sewey found me, and city laws forced him to make me part of his family. Strange things have been happening that I'm slowly starting to understand. There was the monster on the roof (that knew my name!), the speeding truck I stopped from crushing me, and the mysterious girl, Astara, I met in the back of the bookstore. I must now accept that I'm a mage. I've also learned that my mother was also a mage and may not have been the kind mother I've imagined. She worked with dark magic and had something to do with the Farfield Curse. Now, evil mages are after me, and I may be the key to completing the scourge. I read The Specter Key first, so this book included information I wish I'd known before reading book one. As with many middle-grade novels, Bran discovered he had magical powers but needed to learn how to use them. Much of the magic arose without his thought, and I think he only conjured one intentional spell. Consequently, he was able to wield more power than he should have been able. It bugs me when characters go from "normal" to all-powerful without much of a learning curve. Ala Harry Potter, Bran had the potential for good or evil, and his mother had chosen evil. This internal conflict continued for much of the plot. Sewey was the most interesting character, as he was very narrow-minded and set in his ways. He was able to take any bad situation and blame it on gnomes, magic, or mages. He had no problem spending money, but paying the ensuing bills was a waste of his time. Those were strange thoughts for a banker. He resented needing to take care of Bran, but he was quick to recruit Bran when anything needed done. Overall, I enjoyed the book more than some other reviewers, but I think you should give it a shot.
My name is Bran, and I've found a strange box that once belonged to my deceased mother. It's clearly protected by her magic, so I need to keep it a secret. I've been contacted by Specters, and I don't know if opening the box will be a good thing or if it will unleash evil. Plus, it projected a bright green energy that destroyed my house and took away my best friend Astara. Later, I met someone from my past, and I don't know if it should make me happy or angry. The bitterness is winning that battle right now, but I truly believe Astara is not dead. I need to keep my focus on rescuing her, even though some people say that may lead to disaster. I've still got to try. I didn't read The Farfield Curse first, and I wish I had. Bran's mother had an important past, and I really needed to know what she'd done. She apparently was an evil woman, but she was also Bran's mother. It's hard to envision a mother being evil, but her use of powerful, dangerous magic didn't leave a positive impression. I also couldn't fully grasp Bran's relationships with other characters and didn't know the extent of his magical abilities. As a result, I was able to follow the plot but felt like I was still missing something. That's not the author's fault, since I didn't read the books in order. Bran's virtue carried the story, as he wouldn't give up hope for his friend. He was told several times that she was gone, and he knew his efforts might be futile with no chance of success. His relationship with his father was complicated but understandable. Genetics doesn't make someone a true father. It was nice to see another complicated man enter his life who offered some comfort and compassion. I plan to read the first book in the series next and then move on to the third one, once it gets published. Give the series a shot, but I suggest you read them in order!
My name is Norbus, but my new moniker is Arnold Z. Ombee. I'm a zombie, and I conceptualized the name myself. Oops, Lester told me to stop using big words if I'm going to fit in at school. Don't worry about me eating your brains, since there would be terrible consequences if I eat anything but jelly beans. My "uncle" Bill Kinder says we can't let the people from the Territory know where I am, since I escaped from their human regeneration program. He figures it's best if I act like a normal fifth grader. We've come up with stories to explain my pale skin and other differences, but some of the kids have let their imaginations get carried away. I trust the Bender family, but I'm worried that my presence has put them in danger.
I was very surprised that I enjoyed the book as much as I did. I expected a silly story about a zombie boy, but the author added some depth to the plot. Arnold (Norbus) was a harmless, kind zombie and only wanted to fit in. He was physically, mentally, and emotionally different from the other kids at school, and he did all he could to be accepted. Readers should easily embrace him and identify with his character. One of his two best friends suffered from childhood leukemia and had a leg amputated. Arnold was drawn to him, and their friendship became a key element in the story. Luckily, his other best friend was accepted by most of the other students, so she helped buffer some of the teasing. The book really displayed how people from different backgrounds can be misunderstood but still accepted for their character. The most important aspect of the book was Arnold's moral code. Imagine someone saying that about a zombie! He was trusting, he was honest, and he had empathy for other characters. Arnold didn't want to hurt anyone else and always wanted to do the right thing. The story would have turned out much differently if he'd displayed different values. I'm not sure what to expect in the book's sequel, Zombies are People, Too, but I'm looking forward to finding out.
My name is Bloodletter, and I am the most fearsome battle ax of all time. As a legendary weapon, I chose Greg to wield me in the Dwarves' war against the Elves. Unfortunately, he sometimes lacks the stomach for the bloody attacks needed, because he thinks I only want to destroy the Elves. What's wrong with destroying your enemies? His team is a little distracted right now due to the increase in monster sightings. However, a rock troll told Greg about Elves planning something big in New Orleans, so the team snuck down there to investigate. Greg also hopes to discover a remedy for his father's illness, and he might find out what happened to his "best friend" Edwin, that stinking Elf! I haven't seen Greg for days, and there's going to be a lot of stabbing and destruction when we're reunited. I recommend you read The Legend of Greg first in order to better understand the background story. However, I honestly forgot I'd already read the book, as memories of it slowly came back to me. The essence of the conflict is that Elves and Dwarves don't like each other. Most of them are stuck with prejudices toward the other, but Greg is willing to rethink those ideas. Being able to see both sides of an issue is a valuable quality. Fairies took magic away long ago, but it's slowly seeping back. The question of magic being good or bad is another conflict that will continue in the next book. The fact that Greg's former best friend is the new Elf leader with a radical idea about magic creates an ongoing internal conflict for Greg. Again, he understands what Edwin is thinking and wonders if he might be correct, but it goes against everything Greg has been taught. You may find yourself pondering your own ideas about the real world after seeing how the characters handle their own issues. Don't get me wrong, this is not a philosophical story, and lovers of mythical or fairy tale beings should enjoy this book. I believe there's one more book in the series, and I recommend you give the series a shot.
My name is Peter, and Kate and I are slowly discovering what must have happened to us. We're not exactly sure how, but we've been transported over two hundred years back in time. The Tar Man took the machine responsible for our predicament, so we're forced to find some way to track him down in London. To complicate matters, something is happening to Kate and I that is hard to hide. Kate has been fading from time to time, and she says she's able to see friends back in the present. I've done it after falling asleep, so both of us feel like it's dangerous to doze off. Gideon has been helping us, but he's being hunted by the Tin Man's boss. I'm desperate to find some way back to the future, but I don't know how to convince Kate that I'll never leave her behind. Alone. As you can see from the graphic, this book also goes by the title Gideon the Cutpurse. It's always fun to see how author's handle time travel. Can characters in the past change future events? This author adds a unique twist, as she has Peter and Kate fade back to the present at times. An uncertainty is created with the characters existing in limbo between the present and past. They are learning to control it, but it usually arises when they're asleep or very tired. Their ghostly appearances provide hope and a clue for their parents and the detective trying to solve the mystery. Relationship issues are addressed, as Kate comes from a close-knit family but Peter's busy parents live thousands of miles apart. Peter's last words to his father are "I hate you." Gideon's situation is a little complicated, since his past is unclear. There's something he's not saying about his relationship with the people hunting him. This mystery adds an additional conflict to the plot. It seems like there's a slim chance of the kids returning to the present, but then something unexpected happens late in the book. I didn't like that part. The plot was moving toward a happy conclusion, but the author dropped a huge surprise near the end. It leads right into a sequel.
My name is Fatima, and my best friend Jaclyn has always been perfect. She aces every test, she's creating an exact scale model of a volcano, and she's the ideal understudy in Fog Island: The Musical. However, Jaclyn wants to be more perfect and stole a "Perfection Potion" from the creepy house down at the end of Cedar Street. And that's when Jackie first appeared. Paige and I have discovered Jackie's mission is to make Jaclyn look perfect, and her methods are really evil. We're never quite sure when Jackie will pop up, but disaster is sure to follow. It's hard enough keeping her a secret from everyone else, but our principal is on the warpath. Students aren't allowed to use lockers anymore, the musical must be perfect, and my friends and I have been assigned detention. Is there any way to stop the principal, and Jackie? I was hooked by the book's concept, a young girl with an evil alter ego. The plot moved very quickly, and I was able to read it in just a couple hours. The root of Jaclyn's problem was her inability to accept anything less than perfection. She had imperfect school papers hidden away in boxes, because she didn't want to show the B and C grades to her parents. She also created a problem in third grade due to the self-imposed pressure, and that mistake unfairly punished someone else for five years. Some of the pressure may have come from living up to the exploits of her older sister. The plot wasn't overly complicated, and some parts of it were predictable. However, the author created a cute story of a middle grade girl trying to be perfect. The entertainment factor came from Jackie, since her actions were unpredictable. She was motivated to help Jaclyn, but her methods were mean to other characters. The lesson was to do your best but accept that you'll sometimes make mistakes or fall short. Overall, I liked the book and recommend you give it a shot.
My name is Spike, and my friends and I want to become monster hunters. Tommy always wants to use his muscles, Karim can get his hands on magical weapons, and we've just captured a basilisk in our school. We've decided to sign-up with AppVenture, so we can get paid while catching monsters. We'll stick with level one and twos, maybe a level three if it comes to that, so we can learn and get better before tackling the more dangerous monsters. Things have been going pretty well with our team, but we just saw something disturbing on Mad MacKenzie's podcast. She caught a gremlin with the indentation of a ring on its head... an imprint of my ring! How did a gremlin we captured manage to get captured again by Mad MacKenzie? Something fishy is going on at AppVenture! This book will probably appeal to upper elementary students. Monster hunting is common in the plot, and Karim's crippled dad has retired from the business. Spike and her friends are ordinary kids, but there's nothing extraordinary about them. They behave the way you'd expect amateurs to behave, including making amateur mistakes. Karim's terrified to let his dad know what he's doing, and Tommy looks forward to any chance to show off his muscles.The second half of the book is much better than the first, as the author develops larger conflicts. Obviously, the kids are destined to face more deadly monsters to put themselves in perilous situations. AppVenture has a secret conspiracy going on, and the kids are determined to stop it. A David and Goliath scenario is created. Spike's parents are divorced, so this adds an important twist to the plot. She's very angry with her father and then finds out he's working for AppVenture. Luis wants to get back in Spike's life, but she's not having any of it. This bitterness is a common emotion in cases of divorce. I was ready to dismiss this book as a cute story for young readers, but it slowly grew on me. Overall, I liked the plot and am curious about the sequel. Give it a shot if you enjoy monster hunting.
My name is Addison Cooke, and I must find the second key to seven hundred and fifty TONS of Incan treasure. My Uncle N, the second greatest archaeologist in the world, found the first key but was beaten and kidnapped by a former colleague. My Aunt D, the greatest archaeologist in the world, was taken too, so urgent circumstances dictate I must rescue them. I've called a Code Blue for my sister Molly, Raj, and Eddie, and they've agreed to join me on my mission to the Andes Mountains. My knowledge of Incan culture, Raj's survival skills, and Eddie's ability to speak Spanish make us a good team. Unfortunately, our adversary will probably kill us, and many explorers lose their lives in the Andes every year. This situation is quite a sticky wicket. The adventure is more "realistic" than some others, as the characters are normal, middle grade kids. There's a lot of luck involved, but everything they do is technically possible. It's nice to see protagonists who aren't infallible, as the characters make their share of fortunate mistakes. They escape caimans (like crocodiles), a tumble off a waterfall, and a tribe of cannibals in their search for the treasure. Raj is always able to point out the worst possible hazards found in the jungle. The plot's climax is similar to a scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Booby traps and cave disasters await. The kidnapping and treasure bring up some conflicting issues for Addison. Is it more important for him to find the gold and silver, or is it more important to save his aunt and uncle? The choice may seem obvious, but Addison's behavior makes it unclear. In addition, the treasure is full of ancient Incan artifacts, so wouldn't it be wrong for the characters to profit from it? Overall, the plot was amusing and entertaining. It's not the best book I've read, but adventure lovers should enjoy it.