Friday, February 21, 2025

Wicked Never Waits (The School for Wicked Witches 2) by Will Taylor

What worked:

This book has a different feel from the first book due to Ava’s wishy-washy decisions. She ran away from the Swickwit and the School for Wicked Witches last time but this book opens with her trying to return. She’s still accompanied by Crow, an underperforming student, and Henry, a giant who shrank to human size from a curse. They’re welcomed back by the headmaster but there are consequences for running away last month. Ava feels overwhelmed from trying to catch up on lessons she’s missed but the punishment is taking up all of the time she might have to study. She thinks it isn’t fair but rule breakers don’t get to complain about the penalties they must pay. Ava is back at the academy but doesn’t have the same feeling.

Vivienne Morderay is the villain as she tries to become the most powerful, evil witch ever. Tinabella, Ava’s roommate, has the same goal so she idolizes Vivienne. Vivienne wants revenge against the school’s headmaster but she can’t penetrate its protective wards. Readers were introduced to her character in the first book when Ava made a deal to free a gargoyle. However, Vivienne always plans ahead and figuratively plants seeds through Ava to attack the school. She hopes to get her hands on a book in the school library that may be just what she needs to make her powers unbeatable.

Ava, Henry, Crow, and Tinabella must work together to save the school. Warden Pike and the other teachers guarding the school are trapped by Vivienne and will soon die if she doesn’t receive the magic book. Ava and her friends must use their individual talents to venture into unexplored areas of the school where they’ll new, quirky characters. They must solve cryptic clues to find the elusive book. Readers will wonder about Tinabella since she seems to have mixed motives. Help her friends save the school or impress her idol, Vivienne Morderay?

What didn’t work as well:

Readers may want to see Crow and Henry play a bigger role especially since little was known about Crow in the first book. He’s finally discovered his magic so it would be nice to see it incorporated more. The book also makes references to the land of Oz so readers might be searching for more from that story.

The final verdict:

This book shares a fun twist on what it means to be a wicked witch. Ava and her friends won’t be able to overpower Vivienne’s magic so they must use their teamwork and wits. You can still enjoy this book without reading the first one and I recommend you give it a shot.

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