Monday, April 18, 2022

The Game Master: Mansion Mystery by Matt & Rebecca Zamolo

What worked:
This book is the sequel to Game Master: Summer Schooled, and the Game Master series is based on a popular YouTube show by the same name. References are made to the previous book, but Mansion Mystery can be read as a standalone book. Six children are targeted by an unknown antagonist, as they were locked in the school in the first book. This time, the Game Master pet-naps Miguel’s hamster and snake, and he expects the group of friends to follow the crumbs of clues he leaves them. The first clue leads them to a haunted house, so an air of eeriness is immediately established. Somehow, the Game Master knows details about each character, and the clues force them to face their greatest fears.
This book will appeal to young readers learning to enjoy mysteries. The whole plot is focused on locating Miguel’s missing pets, as the characters are forced to figure out cryptic messages left by the Game Master. They explain information they already know and explore the possible meanings of the new evidence they uncover. They then spell out any understandings gained from new discoveries, so young readers can learn how to solve mysteries along with the characters.
The characters make a diverse and supportive team, as they provide encouragement for each other to face their private terrors. Their horrors include spiders, heights, and clowns, so many readers will experience similar emotions. Becca Zamolo is the leader, and her best friend is Matt. You may notice these names are the same as the authors, but an interesting twist is the characters did not get along well at the beginning of the first book. The chapters are titled Becca or Matt, as the focus alternates between the two of them. Kylie is the brainiac and decoding expert, and Danny videotapes everything the team encounters. Along with Frankie and Miguel, the team members pool their strengths to defeat the Game Master.
What didn’t work as well:
The problem lacks suspense and intensity, as the Game Master’s threats and warnings don’t project any serious consequences. There’s no deadline to create a sense of urgency, although the kids don’t want to remain in the haunted house after sunset. Readers can still enjoy how the kids support each other and work together. 
The Final Verdict:
The ABCs of solving mysteries. The characters are fun, and the mystery isn’t overly complicated. The haunted house provides spookiness, but the story isn’t really scary. Overall, this book will entertain young mystery lovers, although more experienced readers may not be as engaged. I still recommend you give it a shot.

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