Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Undertakers #1: Rise of the Corpses by Ty Drago

My name is Will, and this morning I discovered my neighbor is dead... and my teacher... and the assistant principal. I might have been dead too if the new girl at school hadn't saved me. We ended up at an abandoned warehouse in downtown Philadelphia where I met the Undertakers. They're a bunch of kids who can See the Corpses, hidden behind their Mask illusions. Adults can't See the Corpses, intelligent and organized creatures that have taken over the bodies of dead humans. Their Masks conceal their true identities from the public, so they can hold positions as policemen, politicians, and even that popular newscaster on television. The Undertakers say they've been waiting for me to become a Seer, but I can't believe the other things they're telling me about my father. 

I don't read many books about zombies, oops I mean Corpses, so this was a change for me. The first half of the book described Will's orientation into the Undertakers and shared information about the Corpses. It bugged me a little that the Undertakers didn't know where the creatures came from; I assume the question will be answered at some point in the series. Will was the main character, and the story described his emotional roller coaster. He didn't readily join the Undertakers, as he felt fear, anger, and confusion. He missed his family and was shocked by the information about his father. It was nice to see a character reluctant to accept the change in reality, although I grew tired of him constantly disobeying rules. You can't keep regretting decisions and then turn around and do it again. Will unexpectedly became good friends with the bully character, and he had a complicated relationship with the girl who saved him. The plot included some mystery, as the possibility of a mole was presented. It gave the brain something else to consider. The plot contained adventure and action, and there were periods of fighting with the Corpses. People died, although there didn't seem to be a way to kill the Corpses. Overall, I enjoyed the book and plan to read the sequel, Queen of the Dead.

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