Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Bug Bandits by Jenni L. Walsh

What worked:

Liberty has a special love for animals with six or eight legs and she’ll do anything to save her father’s insect museum. She doesn’t mind being called Bug Girl although she’s learned not to advertise her unusual interest in school. She feels a bit alone this school year since her best friend moved to Florida although she video chats with Emmy every day at 5:00. Later, the most popular boy in school begins working for Liberty’s father but he’s keeping a secret from his parents. Liberty has full access to all areas of the museum as she helps to care for the insects, spiders, and lizards living among the various rooms and floors of the building. She has a special love for these creatures and she can’t imagine losing them.

Drama surrounds the museum’s survival as it’s still trying to recover from the deaths of valuable insects. Chapters count down the days remaining until the father meets with potential investors; later chapters count down to a possible robbery. Liberty gets an idea to begin a butterfly release program that should be sustainable and help raise money for the insectarium. However, she must pitch the concept to her father and await his approval or rejection. Emmy inadvertently hears voices one day and shares what she hears with Liberty. This moment transforms the plot into a mystery as the girls suspect something nefarious will occur. The police are skeptical of the girls’ story and it eventually becomes clear the girls will need to take matters into their own hands.

Bug lovers will enjoy this book as it’s packed full of buggy information. Liberty talks about different butterflies but focuses more on the pipevine swallowtails she’d like to use for her release program. The museum has a popular turtle named Franklin. A green iguana frightens Cam so Liberty shares facts about why Kermit is harmless. Stag beetles, pink katydids, and rare tarantulas are the most valuable exhibits in the museum. The plot builds to a climax where Liberty takes hints from defense mechanisms found in the bug kingdom. This is the part of the book where the characters are inspired by Kevin McCallister in the movie “Home Alone”.

What didn’t work as well:

Readers learn a little bit about the characters but there isn’t much depth to them. We hear about Liberty’s past issues with classmates but what’s happening now? It’s surprising when the epilogue takes place at her school, on the last day before summer break. Readers know Cam wants to explore his talents in art and readers, along with Liberty, are under the impression he’s being pressured by his parents to play sports. His decision later in the book would make more sense if readers had more information about Cam’s situation.

The final verdict:

Although many readers may not share Liberty’s interest in insects and small creatures, her passion for them is contagious. A mystery evolves as the date of the investor meeting gets closer and young readers will enjoy unlocking the clues along with the characters. The book will surely appeal to bug lovers but I recommend you give it a shot too!