Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Youngest Templar #1: Keeper of the Grail by Michael P. Spradlin

Keeper of the Grail (The Youngest Templar, #1)
My name is Tristan, and I am holding the greatest religious artifact in history, the Holy Grail. Sir Thomas found me in St. Alban's monastery and asked me to become his squire. Being an orphan with dreams of adventure, I decided to join the troop of Templars. Sir Hugh, leader of the men, has chosen to hate me for some reason and has pummeled me on more than one occasion. The king, Richard the Lionhearted, has vowed to drive the Saracens from Jerusalem, so we have joined other soldiers in retaking the town of Acre first. However, the enemy regrouped with thousands of reinforcements surrounding the city, and they are now laying siege on us. Sir Thomas has drawn the Holy Grail from hiding and is entrusting me to escape the city and get the grail safely to Scotland. Friends and foes alike will do anything to get their hands on it, but I will give up my life before letting Sir Thomas down.

This book read mostly like realistic fiction, except that the grail seemed to have some kind of power. Tristan heard a hum emanating from it whenever he was in mortal danger, although what the grail might have been doing was unclear. Tristan was kind, brave, and loyal, so he was an admirable character. Most of the other characters liked him and respected him, so Sir Hugh's hatred was hard to understand. However, it's clear it stems from Tristan's birth parents, even though his past was never fully explained in this book. There were numerous battles and fights that will satisfy lovers of action, and the mysteries of Tristan and the grail will appeal to lovers of adventure. This book ended with Tristan unconscious in the Mediterranean Sea, so I'm anxious to start the next book before he drowns!

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