Monday, November 12, 2018

Keeper of the Lost Cities #3: Everblaze by Shannon Messenger

Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #3)My name is Keefe and spending more time with Sophie has been the adventure I expected. Okay, it's almost killed me, but it's fun helping Sophie protect Silveny and learning about the Black Swan. We found a tracker on the alicorn's tail but were shocked to discover its connection to an ogre weapon. Sophie's trying to get information from the Black Swan, but the group won't share anything. I'm wondering if there's spy in their group, and secret Council information is now leaking into the public. Somehow, people have learned Sophie's been ordered to save Fintan's mind, and most of them are frightened of his evil pyrokinetic powers. Why should she help a criminal who nearly killed her and what if something goes wrong? I'm an empath, and I don't feel good about this healing.

Overall, I recommend the series and strongly suggest you begin with the first book. The feel of Everblaze is very similar to the previous book, as Sophie tries to uncover secrets while avoiding threats and dangers. Keefe continues a more prominent role in the events due to his ability to sense other characters' feelings. Dex's talent with technology becomes public knowledge, but he remains jealous of Sophie's feelings. Many (most?) novels with teenage characters explore the attraction between a boy and a girl. However, Sophie blushes around Dex, Keefe, and Fitz, so a romantic connection with any of them is muddled. As mentioned above, the plot centers on Sophie's efforts to investigate the Black Swan and the rebels. It's clear the rebels are bad, but the jury is still out on the Black Swan. Sophie has suspected Jolie had a connection to the Black Swan before her suspicious death, but more dramatic thoughts about her have entered Sophie's mind. Consequently, the plot now reads like a mystery novel with the suspense amping up in the last third. It's hard to imagine Sophie getting into more complicated situations, but she does it. The result of the author's efforts is an exciting adventure into the world of elves.

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