Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Septimus Heap #4: Queste by Angie Sage

Queste (Septimus Heap, #4)My name is Septimus, and my brother Nicko is lost five hundred years in the past. Jenna and I have been given letters and a map written by Snorri and him, but the ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia has confined me to the castle. She wants me to prepare for the Projection, but neither one of us was ready for the sudden Gathering called by the ghost of Tertius Fume. Most of the past ExtraOrdinary Wizards voted for me to draw a Queste. It's usually assigned to apprentices with seven years experience (I only have one), and none of them have ever returned alive. Snorri's map and my Queste seem to be leading to the same destination, the House of Foryx where All Times Do Meet. I still have hope that I can save Nicko and Snorri, if only I can survive my Queste.

You should read the previous books in the series, since this book involves a number of past relationships between characters. As always, Jenna is determined to save Nicko, no matter what, and she hates to be treated like royalty. Septimus's Queste amps up the tension in the plot's conflict, since all of the past apprentices have died trying to complete it. It's clear from the Queste Stone's colors that Septimus is on the right track, and it becomes clear that Nicko's destiny is part of it. Merrin's character returns to the series to stir up trouble, but Simon's character was a surprise. Simon is Septimus's brother and tried to kill him in an earlier book; he was a major antagonist. Now, Simon seems to have repented and wants to change his Darke ways, but other characters are not so forgiving. It will be interesting to see what becomes of him and if he has actually become a good character. The series continues to be entertaining, and the plots manage to travel to different realms and times. This book moves from the past and present day Castle, the forest, and into the House of Foryx. Many interesting characters, new and old, await. I've already checked out the next book in the series Syren.

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