Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lights, Camera, Brains? by Michelle L. Brown

What worked:

Young readers will immediately connect with Marty’s loveable, hapless, anxiety-filled character. He has dreams of becoming an astronaut but it’s hard to see that happening when his queasy stomach might explode at any moment. He’s already terrorized when he tries to last the full time on carnival rides! He dreads his parents’ news that they may lose their home, which adds to the stress he already has. He’s already traumatized from trying to last the full time on the carnival rides! He can’t bear to lose his best friend Beau if his family is forced to move from California to Michigan.

The author includes gross descriptions that can amuse and disgust young readers. Marty loses his lunch in the opening scene so readers know any future incidents of nausea could result in further vomiting. It’s not enough to say certain foods are revolting so the author creates mental images. Readers can experience the same sickening feelings as Marty. Even Marty’s own zombie make-up gets his mind roiling as the author details his eyeless socket and slimy brain skullcap. Some accounts of repulsive details may seem over-the-top but they go with Marty’s character and a young sense of humor.

Marty has other emotional issues besides stomach distress. He’s overwhelmed by the thought of working with famous child actors on a new television show although for different reasons. The young actress, adored by Beau, has beautiful, blue eyes and professional talent. Marty knows his abilities aren’t as polished as hers and he can’t understand why she hits him in their first scene together. Another child actor wants Marty’s lead role in the show so he does all he can to make Marty miserable. Young readers will empathize with Marty’s bullying problem as he searches for ways to survive. Add to these issues the fact that Marty can’t dance and it’s clear he has good reason to feel overwhelmed.

What didn’t work as well:

The gross descriptions probably won’t appeal to everyone as Marty’s nausea lasts until the last chapter. The book resolves all of the issues but the ending feels rushed. Marty’s relationship with Beau is strained, the bank is taking possession of his home, his father is still unemployed, and there are other concerns about the show. They’re tied together in one resolution with readers inferring the details.

The final verdict:

Marty’s anxiety is relatable to young readers although auditioning for a new television show is not. The experience touches on different aspects of creating a production that theater lovers will appreciate. The book is an entertaining, quick read for emerging and reluctant young readers and I recommend you give it a shot.

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