Friday, February 10, 2023

The Big Flush (The Area 51 Files) by Julie Buxbaum

What worked:

Middle-school humor is highlighted in this book as the narrator even emphasizes jokes about bodily functions, nicknames, and situations. The big conflict is about a Russian space toilet full of space junk being used by a banished group of aliens as a weapon to destroy Area 51. There are characters named Ms. Spitz (who spits when she talks) and Agent Fartz and some of the aliens come from the planet Peeyou. There’s even a scene where feces (poop) explode over everyone within range. Additional wordplay and unusual situations add more humor to the story.

The author develops amusing, unique characters using the blend of humans and aliens found in Area 51. Sky’s best friend Elvis is from the planet Galzoria and his species looks different depending on the person looking at them. Sky sees Elvis as her human-looking best friend but his parents appear as T-Rexes, subsequently referred to as Dino-Mom and Dino-Dad. However, Sky’s uncle sees the parents as human-sized hawks. Characters from the planet Spotify play random musical tunes. Aliens come in all shapes and sizes with curious quirks from their home planets.

Beneath the odd humor and characters, readers will find an actual, dramatic mystery with Sky and her friends trying to save Area 51 and the whole state of Nevada from annihilation. The kids know someone on Earth must be helping the attacking aliens in order to calculate the exact target for the toilet missile. The plot finds them identifying different suspects on the base while trying to figure out how they’re secretly communicating into space and why they might be doing it. A subplot develops surrounding Elvis and his newly-arrived parents. Their presence complicates his family situation since he’s been living with human parents for years and cares for them dearly. Elvis discovers he has a little brother called Mini-Elvis who looks exactly like his older brother and is infatuated with life on Earth.

What didn’t work as well:

Zany humor overshadows the impending attack so the conflict may drift to the back of readers’ minds. Some of the humor may be too goofy for some people but I still enjoy it. The problem merely provides a scenario for an entertaining, hilarious adventure.

The Final Verdict:

Readers looking for a funny, groan-inducing book will love this mystery to save Area 51. The variety of space beings living beside humans is also a highlight. Overall, this book is a fun read and I recommend you give it a shot.

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