Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Revenge of Magic #2: The Last Dragon by James Riley

The Last Dragon (The Revenge of Magic, #2)My name is Fort, and I'm determined to find a way to rescue my father from the world of the Old Ones. The only downside is betraying my friends and possibly destroying all of humanity. My plan involves stealing the Summoning book and opening a portal to the other world. Unfortunately, opening the portal will also allow monsters to return to Earth and unleash their fury and revenge upon us. That's how my father disappeared in the first place. The tricky part of my plan is trying to master the Summoning spell while avoiding my new roomate Gabriel. I can't believe how he treats the guards and staff, and he seems overly curious about what I'm doing. I can't let my dangerous plans hurt anyone else, so I need to somehow sneak away on my own. 

You really need to read the first book in the series, The Revenge of Magic, to fully understand this one. I really hate the number of times I read about characters deceiving their friends and endangering the world. Why can't they learn? Answer, to create entertaining stories, although it's an all too common factor in book plots. Fort feels responsible for his father's disappearance in the first book even though there was absolutely nothing he could have done about it. For that lame reason, he's willing to risk the survival of all mankind. This second book doesn't have the budding camraderie I enjoyed in the first one, and I miss it. Even Sierra's presence in Fort's mind is removed after her early assistance. The first book implied Fort has minor magical power due to his birthday, but he gets pretty good at teleportation in this book. I like the fact that no single character is all-powerful, and this even applies to the Old Ones. The story shares a lot of information about the other world and explains the overall problem in the series. That detail was fuzzy after the first book. Overall, I'm enjoying the series and hope to read the third one as soon as my local library reopens. It's a victim of the Coronvirus. 

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