Umber is intrigued to attend an event with real dragons, but he despises the kingdom hosting the games. The king and his son are cruel barbarians who rule their kingdom through fear and torture. Hap's friend, Sophie, once beat the prince in an archery contest, so the prince chopped off her hand. Hap, Umber, and Oates, Umber's bodyguard, make the long voyage from Kurahaven to Sarnica with a couple of stops along the way. When they arrive, the first thing they find is a young boy, stabbed by the prince, being nursed by his parents beside the road. However, this bit of violence is minor compared to what awaits the fascinating creatures in the Dragon Games. And what will happen to Hap after he outruns the prince in the Running of the Harbor race? Violence is in the future!
You should read the first book in the series to learn about Hap's character as a Meddler. Hap has no memory of his past, and this book presents some new information about his youth. Meddlers are able to change destiny, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. Oates is cursed to always tell the truth, so that creates some humorous situations, and some problems. Some things should remain secret! The book offers many strange creatures as characters. There are crabs that capture the souls of humans they eat and spider-like creatures that provide the crew for a balloon. There's a man who rules over creatures that will do whatever he commands, but there's a fatal catch to the situation. I'm enjoying the series.
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