Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Gods' Revenge by Katherine Marsh

What worked:

The premise of the series is that Greek gods control all of the details in myths to depict men being in charge and heroes of every story. Library books have been censored to share the stories they want known so their lies will continue. Ava is determined to reveal the truth about all of the gods but they will do all they can to stop her. In the previous book, Ava discovered her mother, the gorgon Medusa, is still alive and Perseus never chopped off her head as the myths say. Ava’s school year is complicated when Pereus is named the new headmaster of the school! Her friends know she’s being targeted and they do their best to keep her from being expelled.

Middle-grade readers can identify with Ava’s insecurity about her appearance as she begins a new school year. She’s initially excited about being several inches taller until she sees how her friend Layla has changed. Layla can make herself appear as anyone she likes so she decides to become as beautiful as possible. She still has the same kind, friendly personality but Ava is uncomfortable with everyone staring and wanting to be near Layla. It creates an internal conflict for Ava when she feels guilty for any negative thoughts about her friend’s new look.

Perseus is a cocky character whose main role seems to be antagonizing Ava. He changes instructors, classes, classrooms, and activities to favor male students and it’s not done quietly. There’s no effort to hide his unfair treatment which helps to magnify the conflict between the gods and females. Perseus assesses strikes to students for unacceptable behavior and three strikes result in a student being kicked out of the school. Perseus is assisted by other godly characters and readers may be surprised to see female characters helping to oppress the rights of all women. Ava helps reveal the truth about god-created stories that have misguided some female characters.

What didn’t work as well:

It’s surprising when Perseus uses supernatural powers to control others. He’s a demi-god in myths and doesn’t display any special abilities like that. His character is confusing when compared to the typical myths of Perseus. However, his puzzling powers are explained later in the story and make perfect sense.

The final verdict:

This book highlights the fact that whoever controls the information also controls the power. Ava’s efforts to uncover hidden truths create conflict with the gods that will continue throughout the series. Readers who enjoy mythology and women’s rights will appreciate this book and I recommend you give it a shot.

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Crossbow of Destiny by Brando Hoang

What worked:

The whole story is immersed in Vietnamese culture. The opening pages present a folktale about a magical crossbow. The king makes a deal with a turtle-god to protect his realm but he eventually becomes greedy and won’t fulfill his part of the deal. Obviously, bad things result and the crossbow becomes legendary. The author includes an abundance of information about Vietnam through clothing, food, rituals, landmarks, and language. Readers get help with understanding new vocabulary since Freddie, the main character, has forgotten much of it since moving to America. There’s also a glossary at the end of the book. Freddie’s cousin Lien is very helpful with explaining unknown ideas or language. Freddie’s grandfather is retiring after a long career as an archaeologist and his research into Vietnam’s history and culture is important in the overall plot.

The cousins are each dealing with their own internal conflicts that trouble them throughout the book. Freddie has forgotten much of her Vietnamese past since she moved to America and it frustrates her. There are glimpses of memories but she still feels disconnected from her relatives. She thinks she’s disappointing them and her poor speech is embarrassing. Lien has always been a straight-A student and everyone expects her to be perfect. Her parents don’t want her taking risks and they expect her to obediently follow the rules. Lien feels stifled and irritated and she wants more freedom and respect. The unsettled feelings of Freddie and Lien eventually create friction between the two cousins.

The plot becomes an adventure into the wilds of Vietnam when Freddie, Lien, and a boy named Duy traverse the country to rescue Freddie’s grandfather. They’re forced to find refuge in the jungle where they encounter vicious animals and a harsh environment. Meager rations force them to use their ingenuity to survive while also being on the lookout for dangerous henchmen. The success of their mission is dependent on their ability to decode a folktale and a diary to locate the Crossbow of Destiny. However, how can they expect to uncover the secrets when no one else has for thousands of years.

What didn’t work as well:

In some sections, the Vietnamese facts become informational and may distract from the plot. It’s not a big deal and may not bother all readers.

The final verdict:

This book shares an exciting adventure into Southeast Asia in a country that’s not often highlighted. Vietnam offers a unique culture and setting that should appeal to lovers of folklore and legends. Overall, I recommend you give this book a shot.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Boy 2.0 #1 by Tracey Baptiste

What worked:

The opening hook describes the mysterious circumstances when Coal is forced to change foster homes. He really likes his foster father Tom but one day Tom starts telling him to run while trying to stab people no one else can see. Coal and readers don’t know anything about his real family as he was left on a doorstep as an infant. This backdrop leads to all kinds of possible explanations when Coal discovers he can turn invisible. Readers can use their imaginations to fill in details and modify their ideas as more information arises. There must be more to Tom’s character than we know and the story of Coal’s parents must eventually be revealed.

It's always interesting to watch how characters respond when they suddenly acquire “superpowers”. Coal escapes a traumatic situation when the police can’t see him hiding right in front of them. He freaks out when his skin becomes invisible and is frightened by the unexplained. Doubt then sets in when he can’t make it happen again and he can’t trust anyone to share his secret. He finally confides in his best friend Door and their curiosity is piqued. This range of emotions is more “realistic” than immediately deciding to become a new superhero. Coal never even considers intentionally using his invisibility because he’s more concerned with understanding it.

A couple of social issues are included in the book. Racism is an underlying issue throughout and police brutality in particular is highlighted after the news of a young girl’s death. Coal has a frightening encounter with a white man and police officers after he’s spotted painting a mural of her. This terror leads to his first episode of invisibility. Coal’s new foster parents, Doc and Jackson McKay, try to balance their understanding for his emotions and freedom while trying to keep him safe from dangerous situations. Moral and ethical questions arise when Coal learns more about genetic engineering and the manipulation of DNA. This would allow scientists to speed up human adaptation in response to the rapidly changing global environment. However, just because something might be possible doesn’t mean it's something that should be done.

What didn’t work as well:

The plot could use a faster pace as most of the real action begins when Coal locates a company that is cutting edge in the field of genetic engineering. It also seems overly convenient when Coal moves in with the McKays even though the parents say it was unexpected. The transition is too smooth so readers will know there’s more to the story. The parents and children go out of their way to support Coal so it’s surprising when it takes so long for him to trust them.

The final verdict:

Readers will empathize with Coal as he struggles with his new ability after being shipped to a new foster family. Strong emotions are embedded in the story as he tries to uncover the mystery of his past and the dangers in his future. I recommend this book for lovers of origin stories, science, and social issues. Give it a shot.