Monday, July 29, 2024

A Split Second by Janae Marks

What worked:

Elise goes to sleep during her birthday sleepover and wakes up to discover six months have passed. Readers will know something supernatural has happened but Elise doesn’t know if she’s time jumped or is suffering from amnesia. She wants to know what happened during the missing time so readers will accompany her on the investigation. At some point, her best friends stopped speaking to her so Elise wants to know what she did to cause that. Her struggle is complicated by the fact that others in Elise’s life have memories of her recent experiences but she doesn’t know how to ask them for help. She finally reconnects with a girl named Cora who used to be a good friend years ago.

The trouble starts when Elise receives a necklace on her birthday from an anonymous person. She falls asleep in the basement with the amulet in her hand and wakes up in her room not knowing what’s happened. She visits the store where the amulet was purchased and the strange, old owner remembers selling two of them to a young girl. Elise notices the woman somehow knows her name. It turns out the young girl in question is Cora and she’s wearing the same necklace! Readers will begin to wonder if Cora has anything to do with what’s happened, is it something the old woman did, or could it be something totally unexpected?

The book is divided into two halves as it focuses on Elise first and Cora later. Sharing the story from Elise’s point of view allows readers to empathize with her struggles to uncover the mystery. It’s frustrating, confusing, and disturbing to not know what she’s been doing for the past six months. When did she join the photography club and why? Elise becomes overwhelmed with the isolation she feels from being dumped into this new life. Midway through the book, readers encounter Cora’s perspective of what’s going on. Cora has secrets and personal issues that have complicated her life and she needs to cooperate with Elise to resolve them. The two friends support each other as they navigate their problems but the author adds a big twist that throws the plot into turmoil.

What didn’t work as well:

The conflict related to losing six months of life is a problem but the story doesn’t create much tension. The worst thing that’s happened is Elise’s former best friends aren’t speaking to her but it’s not like she’s unpopular or ostracized. However, a revelation is made later in the book and a complication arises to create urgency in the plot.

The final verdict:

Readers will experience a new angle about friendship and the confusion it can cause. Elise’s time jump provides mystery to the plot but the issue of friendship is a key to solving it. The conflict is predictable but the resolution is satisfying and pleasing. Overall, I recommend you give this book a shot.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Mr. Lemoncello's Fantabulous Finale by Chris Grabenstein

What worked:

The story is reminiscent of Willy Wonka as thirteen-year-olds from around the country vie for titanium tickets to take over Mr. Lemoncello’s empire. One family has been banned from entering the contest due to past nefarious actions but they’ve found a way around the rules. This adds a bit of mystery to the main plot of characters trying to win the competition. The characters receive packages from an anonymous person which will make readers further wonder exactly what is going on. The characters will face challenges all around New York City but readers may be surprised when some of the kids give up their opportunities before reaching the finish. Kyle is the main character although some chapters feature the other contestants. There are many references to past children’s novels and authors that most middle-grade readers will recognize.

The flamboyance of Mr. Lemoncello will amaze young readers as much as it astounds the characters. It’s hard to imagine how the author might add any additional extravagant, outlandish details to the story. Lemoncello’s bright, flashy clothing is designed by Kyle’s grandmother and the man loves riddles, puzzles, and surprises. Readers should expect challenges at unexpected times since Mr. Lemoncello and his assistants are constantly watching everything the kids do. Kyle especially enjoys thinking games so he's happy when the contestants encounter rebus puzzles or when they’re given riddles to complete a scavenger hunt. However, the author saves twists for later in the plot which will make readers second guess what they think they know.

Kyle already knows half of his competitors but there are an equal number of new faces. Most of the kids have relevant qualifications but Mr. Lemoncello still has his people randomly choose one contestant. Each child is motivated by something different which causes readers to speculate about what they might do if they win the competition. Their interests include games, puzzles, building things, books and libraries, making money, and producing a popular podcast. The variety of personalities not only creates some awkward clashes but some unexpected positive relationships too.

What didn’t work as well:

Mr. Leomoncello’s wackiness may not appeal to everyone but humor is usually universally pleasing. The characters are interesting but any depth to them is dependent on having read the previous books. There are a lot of kids vying to win the contest so it’s impossible to fully develop them all without significantly lengthening the book.

The final verdict:

The thing to remember is once you think you know what’s going on you must realize you don’t. Mr. Lemoncello loves puzzles and games and that’s what continues throughout the book. The author creates a fantabulous, zany adventure and I recommend you give it a shot!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cream Buns and Crime: Tips, Tricks, and Tales from the Detective Society (A Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries) by Robin Stevens

What worked:

The opening pages of the book find Daisy explaining how young readers can start their own detective agencies. The tone of the book reflects Daisy’s pompous arrogance as she insists that she’s always right and her way of doing things is the best. Hazel is Daisy’s assistant in the series and Daisy reluctantly allows Hazel to add a few thoughts. Some of Daisy’s ideas are relevant to solving cases while others (like choosing an agency name) are light-hearted, extraneous suggestions. It may surprise readers when other characters from the series and the author narrate different portions of the book.

The book includes thoughts related to history, solving and writing mysteries, and other topics related to the series. It shares how the author gets started with writing mysteries and where she finds inspiration. Interestingly, she says the first real-life mystery detective didn’t appear in history until the early 1800s and the 1930s were the golden age of mystery writing. Readers will recognize references to authors like Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Edgar Allen Poe as well as fictional detectives like Hercule Poirot, Miss Jane Marple, and Sherlock Holmes (Daisy’s favorite). There’s a section talking about famous spies around the world and another part shares several unsolved cases like Jack the Ripper.

Readers will find short stories mixed in throughout the book about shorter and less intense cases than the murders typically found in the series. There’s the first case solved by Daisy and Hazel concerning who stole a classmate’s tie. Alexander, a good friend of Hazel, talks about a case where he works with George to find out who attacked the mailman and why they were searching for a specific letter. The last case is told by another classmate about someone stealing food from the kitchen. These cases help break up the informational sections of the book and make it more entertaining.

What didn’t work as well:

The book jumps around covering a wide range of topics that may be hard to follow for readers new to the series. The pages dedicated to bakery recipes seem out of place although they have a small relevance to the books.

The final verdict:

This book is a more light-hearted addition to the Detective Society series, touching on historical and literary connections to mysteries. The short sections on various topics will appeal to young readers since they don’t need to stay focused for long. It’s perfect for reading for short periods of time and the overall book moves quickly. It’s an enjoyable book to read and I recommend you give it a shot.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Reality Code: Trapped In VR by S.J. Fern

What worked:

Many books have been written about characters visiting fantasy worlds and this book ventures into virtual reality. Icky is an expert coder and he decides to add an “expansion pack” to the virtual reality program his father uses with his patients. Icky is the target of the class bully so he escapes into the virtual world he’s created. The author adds a couple of twists to make things more interesting. Before starting, Icky ignores an error message about his code and his program allows others to join him. This results in several characters entering the father’s fear experience without a clear way of getting out. Saving Icky becomes the conflict rather than Icky being the main character and hero. Icky’s grief following his mother’s death is a major factor.

The father’s program is designed to help patients overcome their fears so that becomes the main topic in the plot. Icky’s two best friends and his sister enter the virtual world to save him but they must overcome their greatest fears first. These phobias involve sharks, heights, and closed spaces which will be common connections for readers. The characters are allowed to help each other navigate their fears but each individual is forced to pass one final challenge alone before they can help Icky. Some of the trials can kill the virtual characters and allow them to repeatedly face their debilitating terrors. The chapters alternately focus on each character which allows readers to fully experience their panic.

What didn’t work as well:

The plot doesn’t fully develop the characters as it highlights their experiences in virtual reality. This helps the story move at a steady, action-filled pace but readers aren’t able to fully connect with the characters.

The final verdict:

The clever venture into a virtual world combines modern technology with universal emotional issues. Addressing each character’s biggest fear divides the book into four unique adventures but Icky’s situation will be much different from what readers expect. Overall, I recommend you give this book a shot.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Death Valley Summer (Wilder Boys 4) by Brandon Wallace

What worked:

This book is a refreshing change from newly-discovered superpowers, impending doom, bullies, and fragile adolescent relationships. Brothers Jake and Taylor attend a three-week wilderness camp that culminates with a five-day, forty-mile hike to the edge of Death Valley. The story will connect with readers who have experienced camping through scout troops or family vacations. The campers take every challenge as a competition and Jake’s cabin wants to win them all. However, an all-girl team is equally as good, perhaps better, so the boys have their hands full.

The cast of characters is a highlight as it presents a range of camping experiences. Jake has survived serious dangers in the previous books so he accepts the role of assistant counselor, despite being the same age as the oldest campers. Nico thinks he has all the answers since he’s attending his third wilderness camp. Taylor has a similar personality which causes friction between the boys throughout most of the book. Kaito has no camping experience and is afraid of heights but he loves to read and knows a lot about things found in nature; he also adds humor through his non-stop, corny riddles. Juan has been sent to camp to get him away from electronic devices so he arrives with a negative attitude. Jake knows a lot about survival but can he get this ragtag group of campers to work as a team?

The entire story is set in the wilderness so it may seem like a fantasy world for readers living in urban environments. Juan becomes an expert with navigation (map and compass skills he learned in a video game) which is crucial when venturing into thick forests concealing steep, treacherous cliffs. Taylor carries a sketchbook where he draws pictures of different birds he encounters. Readers will learn techniques for building fires, catching rabbits, and erecting safe shelters using things found in the wild. First aid techniques are also shared as Jake’s group encounters a wide variety of dangers. Even rain can be life-threatening when hiking in the mountains.

What didn’t work as well:

The synopsis shares way too much information. Much of what’s described doesn’t happen until the last fourth of the book so nothing is left to readers’ imaginations. It doesn’t make sense why publishers reveal the whole story.

The final verdict:

The straightforward, suspenseful adventure can be enjoyed by a wide range of young readers. Some of the most exciting expeditions are based on reality since readers know they can happen to real people. This book is fast-paced and entertaining and I recommend you give it a shot.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Death Sets Sail by Robin Stevens

What worked:

The book stars Hazel and Daisy as students/detectives spending the holidays in Egypt. The first chapter has a mysterious hook as Hazel ends the chapter with, “Perhaps that way I can bring Daisy back to life.” Readers are told that one of the two main characters is going to die and they’ll speculate about how and when this will happen. The girls encounter a group of English citizens who proclaim they’re the reincarnation of various Egyptian rulers. It’s clear early on that they’ll play a prominent role in the plot. They’re led by Theodora Miller who believes she’s the re-embodiment of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, daughter of Amun Ra, “a god on earth”. Readers will enjoy hating this loud, pompous woman as she berates everyone she encounters until she is murdered.

Several characters join Hazel and Daisy in this murder investigation. Hazel’s father flies in with her younger sisters and May’s small size provides unexpected help. Her father is surprisingly supportive and trusts that his daughter knows what she’s doing. May is only six years old but her enthusiastic, mischievous personality finds her literally popping up when characters least expect. Repeatedly sneaking out of her room drives her father crazy and adds light humor to the plot. The girls are also joined by Amina, a classmate from Egypt, and it becomes evident she has more than a friendly interest in Daisy. George and Alexander join the cast of characters and Alexander and Hazel awkwardly navigate their relationship.

Obviously, the story concerns a mystery and the characters methodically investigate the murder. The book takes the form of Hazel’s records and summary and readers can consider clues and theories as they arise. There are pages listing potential suspects that include motives and relevant evidence. These pages are edited as Daisy and Hazel collect more information and the girls identify the next steps they’ll follow in their investigation. The girls must combat adult skepticism and interference and they dismiss any potential danger, especially Daisy. Murderers tend to kill again when they feel threatened.

What didn’t work as well:

There are a lot of characters to follow as the mystery unfolds. Six characters are investigating the crime, the members of the Breath of Life society are suspects, and there are other minor characters to consider. Daisy is still bossy and headstrong although George resists her efforts to control him.

The final verdict:

This book is most appropriate for upper middle-grade readers due to the subject matter. Hinting at the death of a main character in the opening pages is a highly effective way to capture interest. Readers interested in solving mysteries should enjoy the analysis of clues and suspects until Daisy and Hazel eventually identify the murderer. Overall, it’s an intriguing case with plenty of surprises and I recommend you give it a shot.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wildfire (The Talisman Series Novella 3.5) by Brett Salter

What worked:

This novella features Camela, a Synergist Knight, who’s bonded for life with Krysta, an ice dragon. Camela has taken the concept of brave warrior to heart and her brash, confident demeanor and need for adventure often control her decisions. She speaks with overly formal words and incorrectly tries to use figurative language, adding humor to the story and showing that she’s still a young girl. Krysta is able to conceal her identity and usually appears as Camela’s human friend. The two girls can communicate mentally and Camela’s ice talisman transforms them into a formidable team. Krysta is often the voice of reason for readers although she usually defers to Camela’s judgments. That is not always a good thing.

The book offers plenty of action to keep readers engrossed and wondering what Camela will do next. She’s keeping guard over an extremely dangerous Nocturn so she jumps at the chance to find something more exciting to do. Carmela and Krysta encounter a Minotaur but the author adds a twist by having this monster behave differently than other Darkbrands. It’s like the Energizer Rabbit and just keeps going. Carmela impulsively explores an eerie village and discovers an old, powerful relic that can either help her or lead to the end of all mankind. Readers will question her choices and wonder if she’s gotten herself and Krysta into a situation they won’t be able to escape.

What didn’t work as well:

There are moments in the story when the author describes background information that breaks the momentum of the events. For example, explaining the abilities of a Minotaur/Pyrotaur as it prepares to attack is useful but perhaps the information could have been worked into the action. There’s also a brief switch to a story involving Moon Orchid that may not make sense to readers new to the series.

The final verdict:

This novella can be read as an introduction to the other Talisman books or it can be appreciated as a reminder of characters readers have liked in the past. The book will appeal to dragon lovers and those who enjoy adventure and action. I recommend you give it a shot along with the rest of the series.

The School for Wicked Witches by Will Taylor

What worked:

Ava is a sympathetic character following her epic failure when trying to enter the West Oz Witch Academy, or WOW. Her magic affects water and plants but performing her magic near her home in the desert is drastically different from the abundant water found in the school. She’s overwhelmed during her trial performance which the teachers interpret as evil magic. Readers will root for Ava after she’s dumped into the Wicked Wagon and sent to the School for Wicked Witches (the secret name is Swickwit). Ava has mixed feelings upon her arrival but she’s determined to prove her goodness and return to WOW.

Swickwit is not at all what Ava expects or what the synopsis implies. Most witches perceive the school as a punishment with severe, strict rules for the wicked witches to follow. However, Swickwit views them as misunderstood and the teachers try to help the “wicked” witches master their unique, special abilities. Ava begins to feel more comfortable with her powers and she even learns to perform other kinds of magic. Because the school for evil witches is not what the rest of the world expects, all students are confined to the school grounds until they can be trusted to keep the secret. This typically takes about seven years so some readers might think Swickwit sounds like a prison.

Ava is caught in a difficult situation when she first meets her new roommate. Tinabella insists her trial to attend the North Oz Witch Academy was sabotaged and she’ll stop at nothing to get back and punish the responsible people. Ava quickly agrees to team up with her but it always feels like she’s following Tinabella’s lead. The other Swickwit students look down on Ava because she’s from the West so she’s not able to make any other friends. There’s one excluded boy who’s repeating his first year at Swickwit for the third time and readers will probably predict that Ava will eventually join up with him.

What didn’t work as well:

Ava is determined to get back to WOW even though Swickwit is a better fit for her. She doesn’t share much thought as to how she plans to get accepted into the school for good witches even if she can find some way to get there. Her resolve makes sense early on but the thinking is less logical as the story moves along. This character is forced to think about the bigger picture when the plot arrives at the climax.

The final verdict:

Swickwit is a curious setting due to its secrets and methods for handling “evil” witches. It creates unexpected problems for the characters and their unique abilities are both useful and potentially terrifying. Overall, the book should appeal to amusing witch lovers and I recommend you give it a shot.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Villains Academy 1 by Ryan Hammond

What worked:

The whole story is contrary to what young readers might expect. Bram is a werewolf and he hopes the school will help him learn to become more villainy. Students are rewarded with detention and extra homework if they’re bad enough and Bram is upset when he’s left out. Students are encouraged to use curse words in Bad Language class, although the whole class is shocked when the teacher yells “Shubblemegump” at Bram. He tells that teacher he prefers not to use bad words and another teacher scolds him for saying “Thank you” and shouts “Don’t use your manners at me!”

Bram’s problem is that he’s not a villain and he doesn’t want to embarrass his fathers. Students share the worst thing they’ve done (one student, a toad, had eaten a child) but Bram can’t think of anything. He’s bullied and cowed by the other monsters and classmates tell him he needs to defend himself. Bram can’t seem to perform any villainous acts. He even tries sneaking into detention but that only causes the class and teacher to roar with laughter. He’s later falsely accused of stealing something valuable and he’s threatened with expulsion instead of being commended for doing something wicked. The plot’s conflict might seem like it’s about finding out who committed the theft but it’s really about Bram accepting who he is.

The supporting characters are strange creatures who are forced to work together as a team. Bryan is a lion with a habit of falling asleep and passing gas. Tony is a skeleton who frequently removes body parts to throw at other characters. Sheila is a ghost who doesn’t seem as scary as one might expect. Mona is an elf-witch who takes on the role of leader for their group. However, she wants nothing to do with the others and wears a button saying “Go Away”. Bram’s lack of villainy and his propensity to fail increases his self-doubt and causes teachers and other students to demean him.

What didn’t work as well:

Some readers might be put off by the juvenile humor. Farting is repeated throughout the story, especially by Bryan, and it’s the source of humor. It also represents something more important in the story but some readers might still find it disgusting.

The final verdict:

This is actually a fun, quick-paced story that can be enjoyed by most average, middle-grade readers. They can easily connect with Bram’s self-doubt and struggles to be accepted and they’ll cheer for him to overcome assumptions and unfairness. The illustrations help readers visualize the characters and settings, and overall, I recommend you give it a shot.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Top Marks for Murder (A Murder Most Unladylike Mystery 8)

What worked:

The story is narrated by Hazel Wong, vice president and secretary for the Wells & Wong Detective Society. Experienced readers may notice similarities to Watson’s role in the Sherlock Holmes stories. Hazel helps with investigations but this book is comprised of her journal entries documenting the group’s efforts to solve cases. The characters identify suspects, motives, and opportunities to commit a murder. It’s realistic to see them change hypotheses as they collect more evidence although their ideas take drastic turns on more than one occasion. Hazel and Daisy widen and narrow potential suspects and completely change their motives when they think previous assumptions are incorrect. The girls worked with a detective on previous cases and it’s surprising to see how much this adult character trusts their judgment.

Daisy is president of the society and she constantly reminds other characters about that. She’s aloof and self-centered and she feels jealousy upon returning to school when she’s no longer the center of attention. Her greatest excitement comes from solving mysteries, especially murders. Daisy has a very logical mind with keen detective skills and she demands the other members of the society think the same way. This attitude makes her seem unemotional and callous but Hazel’s observations of her friend reveal the emotions Daisy’s dealing with. Daisy offers her friends more praise as the story moves along, so perhaps she’s slowly changing.

The plot includes the families of different students and highlights their complicated relationships. Some of the issues are relevant since they may provide motives for murder. Characters were unaware the head of the school had a sister but this woman becomes the first victim. One father is a world-class tennis player while another is a suspected smuggler. It also turns out that many of the parents are former classmates at the school and the girls wonder if past teenage problems may be affecting events in the present. One couple is worried about telling their daughters they’re going to become big sisters and another mother’s serious illness has returned and may not be treatable. Interestingly, the only two students without parents attending the 50th anniversary celebration are Hazel and Daisy.

What didn’t work as well:

The fun part of reading mysteries is considering new clues as the characters uncover them. However, the girls in this book drastically change their suspect list depending on new theories. This makes it more difficult to follow the investigation and it continues even late into the story. There are usually four to five suspects at a time which makes it more challenging to focus readers’ attention.

The final verdict:

This book is my first experience with the series and it can be read independently. The topic of murder probably makes it more appropriate for older, middle-grader readers but the girls’ relationships can be appreciated by all. Overall, I recommend you give this book a shot.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Legend of the Last Library by Frank L. Cole

What worked:

The most curious thing about this dystopian story is how paper has become so valuable. Juni and her best friend Doler frequently search old, crumbling buildings looking for paper, this is called plifting, and the opening chapter finds them in Harker’s Village, an off-limits area. The Blight wiped out all trees a hundred years ago but it’s still unclear why paper is so important. Pollution renders the environment inadequate for growing new trees but technology provides communication and entertainment for everyone. Readers may wonder if the paper itself has value to Novexus or if it’s more about what might be printed on it. Or, does O’Donnell have a devious plan for paper that the rest of Novexus knows nothing about?

The synopsis identifies Quaze as a friend but that’s an iffy description. She takes possession of the one piece of paper Juni finds and they almost come to blows over a plastic card. Quaze strikes a deal with O’Donnell that doesn’t include Juni or Doler so it’s clear Quaze only cares about herself. On the other hand, Doler stands over six feet tall and honors his loyalty to Juni. He’s also nervous and paranoid all the time so he adds levity and unpredictability to the story. Juni encounters another boy named Kobyn and he seems to know a lot about the plastic card, the locked box in her grandfather’s closet, and her parents’ activities before they died. He tells her about a rumored Last Library her parents were trying to find but this is the first time she’s ever heard about it. Kobyn makes comments that imply he’s working with others but readers are left to wonder what he might be hiding.

Juni and other citizens are able to enjoy books by downloading them using their Syncrons. However, no one is aware these books are abridged versions and Juni only discovers this fact when she gets her hands on a real, hard copy of one. Readers may connect with her reaction when Juni marvels at how the author’s descriptions allow her to become immersed in the story. She’s so engrossed that she’s surprised to realize several hours have passed. How many young readers have had similar experiences with their own books? Perhaps reading this book will have the same effect.

What didn’t work as well:

There are minor details in the story that may, or may not, bother young readers. What value are tiny scraps of paper? It’s not clear if Juni actually makes any money and how are they able to pay for her grandfather’s expensive medical care? The characters plan to do something with the library near the end but it’s unclear how they can do it and keep the thirty million printed items secret from Novexus. How could the Last Library have been constructed in the first place without anyone knowing? Again, there may be moments when something bothers young readers but it shouldn’t be enough to detract from enjoying the story.

The final verdict:

The author creates an original view of a future world where a major company has taken control of society. Lovers of reading will root for Juni as she tries to save the only remaining printed words left in the world. This book will appeal to readers who enjoy dystopian stories and adventure and I recommend you give it a shot.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Westfallen by Ann and Ben Brashares

What worked:

Some time travel books don’t deal with the paradox of how changes in the past might affect the future (What if you go back in time and your parents die?) but this book addresses the issue head-on with a twist. Readers know from the first page that the characters have dramatically changed history but they won’t know the details. World War II is going on in the past and the characters’ comments will lead readers to believe it turns out differently. The worst scenario would be that Germany wins the war so readers will look for clues as to how six seventh-grade students in New Jersey might cause that to happen.

The opening pages find Henry and Alice apologizing for the huge mistake they’ve each made and the rest of the book is told alternately from their viewpoints. Readers slowly learn that Henry’s story is from 2023 while Alice is sharing events from 1944. Henry and his friends dig up a metal box in his backyard but they’re confused by the contraption inside. Alice’s brother builds a crude radio made from scrap parts when Alice later rescues it from the garbage can. Both characters are startled when their contraptions start making static sounds and they’re even more shocked when they hear each other’s voices. Having characters instantly, and verbally communicate across 79 years is a creative concept by the authors especially when the characters discover past changes can quickly affect the future. This realization is when the plot gets very interesting.

The characters have different relationship issues in the two separate time periods. In 2023, Henry, Lukas, and Frances used to be best friends and neighbors growing up but things quickly changed one summer. They’ve drifted apart and rarely interact anymore. The death of a gerbil brings them back together but things are not the same. In 1944, Alice and Lawrence are best friends but Lawrence’s skin color creates some problems. Artie used to play with them too until his father forbade him from being around these bad influences. His father is of German descent and his character has an aura of mystery. Readers hear about him at times but his dialogue often leaves negative impressions. Readers will have suspicions about Artie’s father as his character adds intrigue to the story.

What didn’t work as well:

The events leading up to discovering the radio’s capabilities are slow-developing. Also, it’s challenging to figure out the rules of “time travel” once the kids realize they can alter future events. Most of the characters still exist in both worlds, their personalities mostly intact, but their circumstances, relationships, and memories have changed.

The final verdict:

The authors present a thought-provoking twist to time travel. Readers will scratch their heads while wondering how problems will be resolved but the fact this book is the first in a series indicates they will continue into a sequel. Some hints later in the book suggest there’s more going on here than readers might suspect. I highly recommend you give this book a shot as I anxiously await book two.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Beast of Grubbers Nubbin (Stitch Head 5)

What worked:

The main characters were created by Professor Erasmus but these Creations are adorable. Stitch Head is his first creation so he takes on the part of leader. He’s not always confident in what he’s doing but his heart’s always in the right place. Arabella was rescued from a cruel orphanage in the previous book and she’s the only main character who’s human. She has a tendency to take spontaneous action through confrontation and kicking so she’s a stark contrast to Stitch Head. The professor is rarely seen as he’s always in his lab throwing parts together making his next creation. Other Creations making cameo appearances are a glow-in-the-gloom skeleton, a flying eyeball named Dorothea, and Bertram, a dog made of cats.

The book includes subtle humor in various ways. The first chapter is titled “Little Terrors” which describes the one hundred hungry orphans who’ve found refuge in Castle Grotteskew. The title page of each chapter consists of the title (like “One Hundred Suspects”), a subtitle (“Close encounters of the furred kind”), and frequent mad (as in crazy) musings from Professor Erasmus (“Lose your mind, not your potions”). The Creature is a large creation who often speaks through capitalized words and misspellings. He’s convinced he’s an excellent Chief (chef?) and ENTER-TRAINER but his stew full of eyeballs, tentacles, and toes found in the professor’s garbage contradicts that.

The plot is easy to follow for young readers due to its straightforward mystery. Stitch Head and Arabella want to steal food from Grubbers Nubbin to feed the orphans but a beast is now terrorizing the town. It’s introduced without dragging out the anticipation but the characters can’t figure out where it came from. They assume it must be one of the professor’s new Creations but the castle monsters aren’t monstrous and all of them are accounted for. The plot builds to an unforeseen climax in the dark of the night.

What didn’t work as well:

The story may be too simple for more capable readers and the twist regarding the beast may be predictable for them. However, the bizarre characters and humorous dialogue provide plenty of amusement. Also, it’s strange the professor has no idea there are a hundred hungry, screaming kids running around the castle.

The final verdict:

The motley band of Creations are endearing with their positive, helpful attitudes. Short chapters and delightful, gothic illustrations make this book very approachable and enjoyable for young readers. Overall, I recommend you give this book, and the series, a shot.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mermedusa (The Legends of Eerie-on-Sea) by Thomas Taylor

What worked:

The author helpfully recaps what is necessary so readers won’t feel like they’ve missed anything significant. Herbie arrived in Eerie-on-Sea without any memory of his past and that mystery has continued throughout the series. Sebastian Eels has been the ongoing antagonist and Herbie and Violet have been trying to figure out what he’s up to. They can’t get anyone to believe he’s evil since he’s careful not to leave any hard evidence. They’ve been anticipating he’ll do something truly despicable and it seems like it’s only a matter of time before that happens. Herbie and Vi haven’t discovered the Deepest Secret of Eerie-on- Sea but they suspect Eels already knows.

This book begins to hint that there may be more to Sebastian Eels’ story than what Herbie and Violet are aware of. Three new characters are in town to do a podcast about the mysteries of Eerie-on-Sea that highlight the legend of the malamander haunting the offshore waters. However, Professor Newtiss is more interested in Sebastian Eels and he wants Herbie and Vi to spy for him. The characters suspect something happened to Sebastian when he was twelve years old that will help explain his questionable activities. They find a message that talks about selling his soul for the Kraken gold but they have no idea what that means. Much of the plot follows Herbie and Violet as they try to uncover the truth behind Sebastian Eels.

As the name suggests, eerie things happen around the town and the people are reluctant to talk about them. Herbie and Violet have had encounters in the past but most people don’t have first-hand experience. Herbie has been feeling a hum, a vibration, for the past week and it’s been activating visions (memories?) in his mind. Violet’s cat is no longer speaking and the mermonkey isn’t choosing books found in the bookstore. Citizens have been disappearing for years and no one knows where they’ve gone. Sebastian Eels has been making mysterious boat trips during the night into the dangerous waters where the malamander lurks. What do all of these strange things have in common?

What didn’t work as well:

The mermedusa isn’t mentioned at all for much of the story so readers may wonder how it fits in. It must be significant since it’s the title of the book but readers will know nothing about it. Rest assured the mermedusa finally makes an appearance and it’s critically important in resolving the strange happenings around Eerie-on-Sea.

The final verdict:

I’ve only read the fourth book in the series before this one but readers should still be able to read Mermedusa independently. I don’t recommend that since you’ll miss out on previous eerie adventures. Herbie and Violet are honest, loyal, enjoyable characters that will connect with all readers and I recommend you give their story a shot.